Before the story, a little about my qualifications - I'm a Certified Nutritional Practitioner, graduating with First Class Honours from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, the industry leader in clinical holistic nutritional education, having completed internships in clinics and private practices. Additionally, I consistently engage in continuing education courses, including but not limited to: therapeutic supplementation, hormones, endocrinology, and detoxification; to both refine my skillset, and stay up to date on the latest research.
Growing up in a small town in north of Toronto, Ontario, a one-day theatre intensive was the ah-ha moment I needed to realize I might just have a flare for the dramatics. Shortly after, around the age of 10, I stared performing at my local theatre, and really got a kick out of making other people laugh and feel good.
Inside though, my anxiety was growing by the day . And it only escalated through grade school as my weight climbed up and up, along with the bullying that went along with it; not to mention the sneaking feeling that I might just be a bit different than the other boys at school (didn’t help that the cutest boys were also the meanest, but that’s beside the point). My outlet for that anxious monster growing inside me? Many supersize meals, a ton of chicken fingers, and (twist) . . . step dance (think tap dance and river dance had a baby).
By grade 10, I decided I was sick of it. Of the bullies, of my weight, and the crappy feeling I was carrying around every day. With determination and help from from my mom, I started to repair my relationship with food, move my body more and lose the weight. I went from 210 lbs to 160 lbs, and acquired some skills to “hack” my body. This experience gave me a sense of control over my life, and everything around me started to reflect this notion. My confidence improved, my grades improved and my overall outlook became brighter.
Fast Forward to my early grownup years - I moved to the city, got to act full-time and luckily, was making a decent living at it. But it was during this time that I started coming to terms with who I was, and the fact that that “wife and white picket fence” dream of mine wasn’t going to be my reality. And instead of using food and mindset to my advantage, to help me feel calmer and more confident during this rocky time - I self sabotaged. Hard. I escaped with excessive food, and way too much booze to numb my mind. It didn't help.
Naturally -my anxiety returned full force, and as a result I once again stopped investing in my health and even lost jobs along the way. And I felt worse. I stopped booking as much work because I was heavier than before, but more detrimental than that, I started to became a nervous wreck in auditions.
And then, once again, I decided enough was enough. I sought out help, worked with a natural health care practitioner who got me on a fantastic protocol, some wonderful supplements, and started hacking my diet to fuel my brain.
As things improved and I felt good again, I realized again (I know, ANOTHER ah-aha moment? But yes) the power of the right combination of health hacks. Because of that, coupled with my urge to take an acting break - I decided to go back to school to further my education in nutrition, and help others learn the same tools I’d acquired.
After graduation, I opened up my wellness business and stepped back in front of the camera . . . only this time with a slight tweak: I wasn’t acting as someone else. Instead, I was just myself, sharing my own experience, mistakes and tools I’ve learned along the way. And hopefully, these tools can help those who are looking, feel a little gooder on the days and moments when they need it.
And here we ARE!
“Working with Kyle has been a total game changer. I first met with him feeing frustrated and discouraged, but left our meeting feeling excited and hopeful. he made some very reasonable changes to my diet, and was very serious and emphatic about the importance of self care, love, and kindness. Within days of modifying my diet and incorporating some new regimens, I noticed remarkable differences! Kyle’s enthusiasm, optimism, and kindness are contagious and make him an absolute pleasure to work with. I can’t thank him enough for all his help and support and am so excited to continue working with him. This guy knows his stuff!!”